KINGCUAN-Decentralized Cryptocurrency - mikdad icoblog



Minggu, 11 Agustus 2019

KINGCUAN-Decentralized Cryptocurrency

A storm has hit the investment market that we will not recover. Crypto investment is the storm. With strict capital controls carried out by most countries to control the flow of money and impose high taxes, cryptocurrency gained use in avoiding capital and tax controls, which led to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present digital alternatives that are easy to use for fiat currencies. Offering transactions without friction and inflation control, investors are wise enough to add this currency to their diversified portfolios as assets, because market size does not represent systemic risk. Cryptocurrency uses the use of cryptography that ensures high security processes and verifies personal transactions for each user. Because of this, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are not possible.

While this revolution gained wide acceptance, Kingcuan had a vision to help investors with their small or large capital so they could produce stable profits every month.

"Investors seem to have finally realized the importance of blockchain technology. As this infographic shows, 2018 was the year in which venture capital really began to flow to companies working on the technology. worldwide, the amount invested is more or less crammed throughout 2017 which generates a total of $ 1 billion. By 2018, that number skyrocketed to nearly $ 4 billion. "

With that being said, Kingcuan offers their investors with the latest system. Kingcuan combines various investment sectors, trade techniques, and strategies.

But before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get to know him better

Kingcuan offers a smart hedge funding platform that will provide a profit of at least 5% a month, this is what makes us unique from others. For all active users Kingcuan also gets a lifetime signal for forex and cryptocurrency trading. We will manage your investment in 8 sections, such as: Forex, Arbitrage, ICO, Startup, buy / sell signals, property time sharing, horticulture business, and fish farming business. Kingcuan is a very simple project because all the investment funds obtained are used to invest in various financial sectors not to build new companies like most other token projects. Kingcuan has a vision to help investors with their small or large capital so they can generate stable profits every month. Of course, we are real partners and we realize about people's dreams to get the right financial freedom in their lives.

Vision and mission
Kingcuan's vision is to help investors with small capital or large capital to be able to get a stable profit every month. Kingcuan will definitely be a partner who faithfully realizes the dreams of people who want to gain financial freedom in their lives. The aim is to create a transparent investment community and realize increased income for every Kingcuan investor.

Kingcuan is engaged not only in financial investments such as the forex market, stock market, crypto market, but Kingcuan will also target various economic sectors such as property, fisheries, and agriculture, which are a source of income that is increasing in the current era. This can also strengthen Kingcuan's investment portfolio because it has many sectors invested.

Future Challenges and Solutions Offered

The first problem that Kingcuan will solve is to make it easier for investors to get a stable profit from their capital, and also in terms of liquidity is very flexible because if investment in a hedge fund company there will be a minimum of funds that must be provided and the amount is very large. Kingcuan wants to relieve investors who have lower middle income to be able to invest in the right place.

The second problem is the old system which is still widely used by investment companies that only rely on one or two financial sectors to make a profit. Kingcuan has the latest management and investment strategies and has a large profit level. Kingcuan developed the system and combined various investment sectors, techniques and trading strategies, and also developed a forex robot that has the maximum probability of making a profit. Kingcuan has a broad investment community consisting of various experts who are experts in their fields so that they can decide what is Kingcuan thinking and carefully consider investor satisfaction.

Kingcuan always makes updates made by the special analysis team. Kingcuan continues to innovate in the future for the advancement of the Kingcuan ecosystem.

Kingcuan offers investment without imposing additional costs on investors which ultimately endanger investors. For investor satisfaction and long-term sustainability, we only distribute profits from investments made by Kingcuan where a portion of Kingcuan's profits are taken to maintain the Kingcuan ecosystem and maintain the price of tokens in the market.

Kingcuan uses Ethereum which is well known for its smart contract platforms. Many tokens have used smart contract ethereum to run the ecosystem. The Ethereum platform helps us realize the Kingcuan project.

Kingcuan is a very simple project because all the investment funds obtained are used to invest in various financial sectors not to build new companies like most other token projects.

There are many crypto projects that use all of their ICO funds to finance their start-up so that their token prices are not maintained in the market and cause their token prices to fall below the ICO price. With that in mind, we created a project that guarantees an increase in token prices because our project is in the investment sector where the likelihood of earning profits is huge.

Large profits will be returned to investors and some will be used to maintain the price of tokens in the market to guarantee a significant increase in the price of tokens.

Project Kingcuan is very concerned about the safety of investor funds so we invest not using strategies that have a high risk of loss. Most investments are medium and long term.

The investment package offered by Kingcuan is different from other investment products. Benefits Kingcuan offers a minimum of 5% per month and a maximum of up to 15% per month. To increase the number of Kingcuan communities, Kingcuan has an affiliate system that can provide marketing benefits in marketing Kingcuan products.

Project Kingcuan wants to create a large community where they want to invest in the crypto world and believe in the Kingcuan project. Kingcuan guarantees the trust given by investors to us will get maximum satisfaction.

Kingcuan believes strongly in the idea of ​​creating a hedge fund community that is transparent, easy to use and decentralized. This method is very efficient and profitable for everyone who wants to invest in the crypto world.

The Kingcuan team consists of experienced traders, forex market analysts, forex robot developers who use AI, and Kingcuan also has people who are experts in finance, agriculture and fisheries. Kingcuan is united with the same vision and mission to build the Kingcuan community to be a bear and live long. Kingcuan will benefit all investors and token holders.

The profit that Kingcuan generates is divided into 3, namely daily, monthly and annual profits. Kingcuan's daily profits come from foreign exchange and crypto trading, for monthly also from foreign exchange, crypto, and from the volatility of token prices on the market, for annual profits Kingcuan will get from fisheries, agriculture, property, as well as stock. So, the profitability of Kingcuan is found from a system that combines diverse portfolios, coupled with innovations that are always carried out by the Kingcuan team to ensure the sustainability of this ecosystem.

Token Details

  • Ticker: HOW
  • Type: Utility-token
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Price of tokens in USD: 1 CUAN = 0,00021 USD
  • Price of the token in ETH: 1 CUAN = 0.0000013 ETH
  • Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USD, LTC, WAVES
  • Pre-sale token supply: 800,000,000 CUAN
  • Token Supply: 4,000,000,000 CUAN
  • Total tokens sold: 4,800,000,000 CUAN
  • Soft stamp: 500,000 USD
  • Hard stamp: 1,267,000 USD
  • Blockchain platform: Ethereum
  • Country restrictions: US
  • Country of registration: Indonesia
  • Registration year: 2019

Office address: Jl. Perum Puri Chandra Asri Br. Chandra Asi No. 64 Biaung, Sukawati, Gianyar Regency Bali

Q1 2019
we decided to start our project and decided to call it Kingcuan ...
Q2 2019
we developed the site and whitepaper to make all aspects of our beloved project clear and easily understood by everyone. => PRE - ICO => ICO
Q3 2019
Kingcuan wants to grow bigger and bigger, giving everyone who wants it the possibility to join our project, our community, our funds.
Q4 2019
Kingcuan DEX
Although the Kingcuan Team is already in negotiations with a large exchange to get a list, we want to guarantee our community the easiest way to exchange CUAN Tokens from the platform. Therefore, we develop a decentralized exchange for the community. This helps the project to be independent from other external parties, which will help accelerate the growth of our business.
Q1 2020
Kingcuan Market
We will release the market to buy goods and services with special discounts or cashback if using Tokuan CUAN accelerates the growth of our business.
Q2 2020
Kingcuan Market
We will release the market to buy goods and services with special discounts or cashback if using Tokuan CUAN accelerates the growth of our business.

For more information, please visit:

Facebook: https: //

Author: Mikdad1018

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