SGC Secured Gold Coin - mikdad icoblog



Jumat, 25 Oktober 2019

SGC Secured Gold Coin

Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology such as Bitcoin relies on database forms with the advantage of being able to track large and secure transaction volumes. The technology used by many digital currencies is Blockchain.

Blockchain was first implemented in 2009, and was revolutionized with Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. Blockchain technology consists of blocks that hold transactions, where each block is interconnected via cryptography, thus forming a network.

Blockchain is a system of recording transactions in many databases that are widespread on many computers, each of which contains identical records. This system is also known as distributed ledger. With this decentralized transaction record, it is almost impossible to hack or change unilaterally, without changing the majority of all databases.

Note these transactions are contained in blocks that are interconnected. If one block is full, the next block will be connected to the previous block. Transaction records that are contained in blocks that have been created, cannot be changed anymore - so the blockchain is often referred to as having immutable properties.

Secured Gold Coin is a project, developed and supported by popular technology, and the future, blockchain technology, which was developed to increase the digitalization of financial markets and their receptive investment tools. Secured Gold Coin tends to allow users to buy physical gold coverage by the Secured Gold Coin Secured Gold Coin network. The Secure Gold Coin Project has gained many benefits for its users, not only the Gold market but also the future technology, blockchain. Users of the Secure Gold Coin token can use the podium to instantly buy Secure Gold Coins. Users can use gold to conduct monetary transactions without following any complicated steps.

The advantages of SGC blockchain-based software contracts (smart contracts) allow SGC coins to be decentralized, secure, and transparent for all users. SGC will initially use standard digital coins that can be exchanged with certain digital currencies and paper currencies. SGC holders will have the ability to buy and sell their coins following an official register on public cryptocurrency exchanges. All SGC coin users have the right to use their coins to make payments or send money, to sell their coins in the cryptocurrency exchange market or to trade any amount of SGC coins. All physical gold bars are stored and stored in a safe protected under the safeguard of Gold Silver Central Pty Limited in Singapore and the gold certificate will be renewed at the end of every month. Content insurance is provided by Lloyd's of London.

Our strategic goal is to change the global marketplace by providing decentralized digital currencies for all users globally. At the same time,

Our vision is to serve the global community by advocating a fair market based on actual demand and supply. As of April 2020, Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited is estimated to have at least 250,000 users in the global market. This user base is expected to increase to 500,000 by December 2020.

Secured Gold Coin also functions as an anonymous and more efficient way to buy and invest gold without losing the monetary features of your investment unlike conventional methods of investing in gold.

Safe Gold Coins also have a genuine market to facilitate seamless purchases and exchanges and no transfer fees. It uses secure technology in ensuring investment security by ensuring that all interactions are processed on the Ethereum infrastructure through smart contracts.

As a step towards listing SGC on all major currency exchanges, SGC has the potential to be registered on various potential exchange platforms including DCoin, BW, Simex, Coinbene, LATOKEN, COINSBIT, SGC DEX, Binance and EXMARKETS. This exchange will provide storage and purchase, sale and payment transactions through their SGC coin purse service. Customers will be able to exchange most of the major cryptocurrency and major fiat currencies for SGC, and vice versa. In addition, the SGC exchange will be fully functional from September to October 2019.

Most companies that offer gold-backed digital currencies are reluctant to hold any physical gold to avoid security headaches or other risks involved. In addition, they do not want to depend on any third party to be involved in their system to ensure the security of their gold reserves. Safe Gold Coins with its partners, ready to face challenges as they store physical gold in a safe safe. Thus, when you become an SGC coin user, physical gold equivalent to 60% of the initially released SGC coins will be attached to your wallet address and displayed on the SGC Blockchain Explorer. So every time a user buys SGC coins, a gold certificate is attached to the user's wallet address. After the certificate is issued, the wallet address will remain the same even if it is traded to another address.

Another reason that distinguishes SGC from other asset-based digital currency based systems is its use through the SGC PAY Debit Card. Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited provides the functionality of its SGC PAY Debit Card to improve its SGC coin utility because users can buy different items by making payments via the SGC PAY Debit Card: containing SGC coins.

Users will be able to track all transactions and these transactions will be an eternal courtesy blockchain technology.

SGC coins are stable with value because the value will not fluctuate or empty like other cryptocurrency values.
SGC coins are supported by gold which will remain in high demand which will keep its value stable. So users will get definite benefits when they exchange SGC for fiat currencies with high exchange rates.

Users can use secured gold coins to make payments while buying different items.
They can use SGC coins to trade and exchange them for other cryptocurrency or fiat from global exchange.

SGC coins are available for every new user because the registration process is quick and easy.

SGC PAY - Debit Card:
Because cryptocurrency hasn't been accepted until now, it's a very useful way to spend SGC coins using your SGC PAY Debit Card because making SGC coins can be used everywhere

SGC Wallet
Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited has developed its crypto wallet which will make it easier for users to make transactions and view their information about transactions carried out on their own. SGC aims to provide convenience to users with as many choices as possible, has developed the SGC Wallet on various platforms including the SGC Web Wallet, SGC Cell Phone Wallet (Android, iPhone), and the SGC Desktop Wallet (Windows, Linux, MAC). Our SGC Wallet allows users to,

Create a New Account: users can create a new wallet from the SGC Wallet application on all platforms. This refers to the generation of new credentials.

Account Import: users can import an existing account into SGC Wallet using a KeyStore file or private key.
Passphrase and Pattern Pattern: SGC has used a passphrase and security pattern. This involves encryption of keys with a passphrase or pattern (for mobile devices).
Check Account Balance: users can check their account balance.
Check the Entire Account Balance in the Wallet:
Check Transaction:
Check Transaction History:
Send SGC Coins: Users can send SGC coins from their wallet by setting transaction fees according to their choice. A user is required to provide an account passphrase before the transaction.

Integrate the SGC PAY Debit Card: The SGC Wallet is equipped with the SGC PAY Debit Card integration functionality to enable additional usability features for SGC Coins.
Spread Contract: Users can use contracts from SGC Wallet by providing a private key at run time. No key will be stored during the process.


  • Join:
  • Contact ID:
  • SGC Sales Start Date: October 4, 2019
  • Special Offer End Date: October 14, 2019
  • SGC Sales Supply: 1 Million
  • Coin Price: 1 US Dollar
  • Currencies Received: BTC, ETH, USD


LINKEDIN - https: //www.linkedin. com / company / sgc-official /
WHITEPAPER - 0.1.pdf

Author: Mikdad1018
SGC Wallet Address: 0xEf6Bd4C09C8cfc9ECAb7B76Ea1f158CaC354B5C2

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