Product Protocol is an innovative financial system - mikdad icoblog



Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Product Protocol is an innovative financial system

Blockchain and cryptographic forms of money are quite new advances, which are opening up new markets. With its own form of digital money and the enthusiasm of the standard for those who are growing fast lately, this innovation is offered to many new companies, increasing assets through ICO or through increasingly common business choices. Most businesses are identified with the tokenization.

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a cryptographic space that cannot be compared to an IPO in the world of standard speculation. ICO acts as the main driver; an organization that hopes to make coins, applications, or other administrations send ICOs. In addition, many financial specialists are interested in buying for offers, either in cash or with previously computerized tokens such as ether. In return for their assistance, financial specialists will get other digital currency tokens explicitly to ICO.

Experts in finance believe that tokens will work in the future to provide excellent benefits. Organizations with ICO use it as a way to promote the assets, purpose, or location of financial experts, or to create digital currencies. ICO is used by new generation companies to overcome the strict and targeted capital procedures required by investors or banks.

Product Protocol is an innovative financial system that includes several applications designed to solve problems that exist in the field of cryptocurrency. Universal tokens for any asset tokensation allow you to instantly make digital assets and decentralized markets allow people from all over the world to buy them. Despite rapid growth in the popularity of virtual currencies, their use in daily life is still a challenge. The main reason for this is the high level of volatility of digital assets, which does not allow them to be used as a reliable means of paying for goods and services. It should be noted that not every market actor is ready to accept crypto currency as payment, because the fluctuations in value per day can be from 7 to 15 percent, thus creating a very high risk for the income of entrepreneurs.

The Product Protocol is focused on creating a platform that allows entrepreneurs to take their assets and raise funds for scaling and development. Product Protocols can develop and develop effectively without limitations. The universal token created on the plaqued form, which serves to provide any asset token, allows you to make any asset quickly and easily. Thus, a decentralized market will enable people from all over the world to get it. In short, the Product Protocol is a very fast, unique and intelligent tokenisation machine.

Product Protocol feature
As noted earlier, the founding team of the Product Protocol intends to resolve cryptocurrency's main weaknesses, namely their storage and security on the network. Product Protocol uses a world of cooperation and technology (crowdfunding / crowlending) companies. Thanks to that, the Product Protocol platform has the highest level of security, because user logins are done very well. This security system has not been used either the system or platform is currently based on the blockchain! This gives the Product Protocol a big advantage over all other systems and platforms.

This Project Feature
The Curation Token List is a decentralized curation list with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to compile lists.
Can allow all users to be able to register their identity, from sending and requesting credential data, signing transactions, and managing keys and also from personal data safely
Smart Escrow
Service networks are decentralized, and provide legal and legal compliance based on current regulatory standards
Providing liquidity to digital assets on the PP platform
Research, development and system analysis projects for decisions about the next tokenization
Free market where users can trade virtual assets

The Product Protocol vision is to provide open contracts for most business cultivators. Except for possible uses, this can be considered to shorten time, reduce costs associated with hazards and change the chain of guarantees. Or you can use the ready stage when moving items or administration. Organizations that do not use the square chain do not ignore cryptographic market liquidity and avoid 90% of the problems identified by issuing their own markers. You can start using records that are migrated, make efforts, and open new markets.

The favorable conditions and benefits of Tokenisation are ways to enter the field of advanced excellence. If profit determines in the advanced field, it is a type of asset. Non-dynamic or non-slip welds can be considered. For example, nominal currency, securities, debt, transportation, city development, original house, etc.


  • 30% - marketing and first token products
  • 35% - development funds and PP coins
  • 10% - law, salary, lawyer
  • 10% - technology support
  • 15% - team


  • 65 000 000 PPO - ICO
  • 15 000 000 PPO - team and partners
  • 15 000 000 PPO - platform support
  • 5 000 000 PPO - marketing and advisors




Bounty Potocol:
Whitepaper Potocol:
The Potocol website:
Facebook Potocol: https: //
Tewiter Potocol:
Reddit Potocol:
Medium Potocol: .protocol
Telegram Potocol:
Hastang: #ProductProtocol

Author: Mikdad1018

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