ZIPCOIN is a blockchain based decentralized remittance and payment solution - mikdad icoblog



Kamis, 18 April 2019

ZIPCOIN is a blockchain based decentralized remittance and payment solution


The project we will talk about today is called ZipCoin Exchange. Of course, you might think that this is another financial platform that seeks to transfer money through blockchain technology. In some ways you are right, but I guarantee you are in no hurry to draw your conclusions before, because ZipCoin Exchange has its own characteristics and advantages, which distinguish it from many similar projects. Because of such lyrical deviations, I propose to go back to project reviews and improve its main features

What is ZipCoin?
ZipCoin has been designed in a decentralized way to improve the delivery and payment system that has been influenced in many ways. It aims to build an easy, safe, fast and simple platform for all users while building a grassroots community to encourage more energy in value-added activities and mass adoption of blockchain technology.

ZipCoin also adopted the use of the EOS blockchain which is one of the best blockchain networks in crypto-industry, the EOS blockchain is designed with a system of high-speed, safe, fast and reliable transactions.

ZipCoin Infrastructure functions as a decentralized operating system, which integrates Money Transfer Services and Exchange Platforms under one platform. New architecture is implemented and the operating platform is built with emphasis on user friendliness and security. The interface will provide easy access to open financial systems, empower entities and consumers around the world. Furthermore, it extends the range of underlying ZipCoin technology solutions and ZIPCO Tokens.

ZIPCOIN is a blockchain-based decentralized payment and payment solution that will increase businesses and individuals in the $ 104B shipping industry.

ZIPCOIN utilizes blockchain technology to break the responsibility of traditional issues. This project, as the name implies, is built on the Peer to Peer principle ("from client to client") and is a peer-to-peer decentralized network built on the blockchain.

The ZIPCOIN Blockchain payment platform offers the best and safest security in the entire crypto currency industry which will make it difficult for hackers around the world to hack into the ZIPCOIN platform. Other safety efforts have been connected especially with the progress and general development of the blockchain and how it can be utilized very well.

So, ZipCoin Exchange is a new blockchain ecosystem that was developed on the basis of the EOS blockchain for all financial transfers worldwide, both for private clients and companies. At the same time, ZipCoin Exchange intends to solve a large number of problems inherent in the blockchain industry, such as:

  • to reduce costs;
  • improve the security of all transactions and data received during registration in the user's system;
  • guarantee full anonymity from your clients;
  • provide quality and timely support to all of its customers;
  • ensure functions that can be accessed and understood throughout the system;
  • and maintain P2P relations;
  • guarantee fast and unlimited digital currency transfers from online to offline and vice versa;
  • and reduce the volatility of internal tokens and provide them with stable liquidity.

In simple words, ZipCoin Exchange will act as a simple and accessible trading platform where everyone will be able to find everything they need in the reliable and safe blockchain industry. That is, in the framework of ZipCoin Exchange, users will not only be able to buy and sell their altcoins, but also to exchange them for the most profitable rates anywhere in the world.

ZIPCOIN Certainly is very important for people in all countries in the United States. It is certain that there will probably come from a number of better or better places to work or at any time. P2L just replied that there was no request to start from the one requested at the place where you are. As previously explained, Z CO n IP IP IP n n n n n tr tr This is one of the main answers to the new p2p is better than elsewhere. Some certainly fail like in place with this plan to make sure some walk around the road around AES on standard.

ZIPCOIN P2P Commitment
ZIPCOIN P2P remains committed to its core values ​​of offering life-changing services! P2P Use transparency, and a decentralized system. Peer 2 ZIPCOIN Peers are dedicated to providing the highest level of service to help our members achieve basic facilities in difficult life situations. With P2P you will always receive the support you need simultaneously through a P2P network with Cycle help to get better!

Buying a P2P token means you contact the company to ensure your own perspective either through ICO or you buy it when it is listed on the stock. The company team will work regularly, we need the latest ideas and the latest technology to improve your own partnership. Now is the best time to realize a promotion. In collaboration with P2P tokens for today, if possible, and if-or will be a recommendation that is close and reversed. Adjust and guarantee your own perspective until delivery continues. ZipCoin Exchange holds a Pre-Sales event for ZipCoin Token (ZIPCO) which is being sold now.

Advantages and features
All banking processes within the ZipCoin Exchange framework will be provided by their internal tokens, which will serve as fuel for the development of the entire ecosystem as a whole. As a comparative characteristic of ZipCoin Exchange with other "similar" platforms, we can clearly consider this comparison.


Thanks to the integration of several financial services, ZipCoin Exchange users will get a variety of financial services that are not only cost effective, but also safe. Another distinctive feature of ZipCoin Exchange is its blockchain base, as you remember we often consider similar financial platforms based on the blockchain Ethereum. The founders of ZipCoin Exchange decided to use another method that was more profitable. Because of the EOS blockchain there are clear advantages relative to the blockchain Ethereum.

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All of this will contribute to the overall development of the ZipCoin Exchange direction. However, developers intend to maximize their professional efforts to ensure that the system's internal token - ZipCoin (ZIPCO) has the best financial indicators.

Because we talk about tokens, I propose to consider them in more detail. In addition, ZIPCO will carry out not only classic functions (bill payments), but also processes such as: banking operations processing, trade financing, money transfer implementation and more. The result will be released 500,000,000 markers, standard EOS. Most of which will be distributed between public sales and project founders, the remaining coins will be allocated to pre-sales, teams, and overall system development. And a very small part of the token will be allocated for the bounty and airdrop program. More information can be found on the official website.


  • Token Name => ZIPCO
  • Payment Methods Received => BTC, ETH, EOS, USD
  • Token Type => EOS
  • Total Supply => 500,000,000
  • Price of ZIPCO Price Token => 1 EOS = 2,500 ZIPCO

The token distribution is as follows:






To find out more about the ZIPCOIN project, check the link below:

Website =>
Whitepaper =>
Telegram =>
Twitter =>
Instagram =>
Facebook =>
Linkedln =>
Reddit =>

Author: Mikdad1018

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