Smathium is a blockchain based loyalty platform - mikdad icoblog



Jumat, 26 April 2019

Smathium is a blockchain based loyalty platform

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Cryptocurrency has existed about ten years ago and has now become quite popular, widespread, and surrounded by many controversies from innovative developments.

Today cryptocurrency has become a global phenomenon known to most people. Although somehow still geeky and not understood by most people, banks, governments and many companies are aware of its importance. In 2016, you will find it difficult to find large banks, large accounting firms, leading software companies, or governments that do not research cryptocurrency, publish papers about it, or start blockchain projects.

SMATHIUM is a platform built for consumers to redeem their prizes. This is a B2B2C loyalty platform built on blockchain technology. This is an opportunity for retailers and consumers to be involved in a loyalty management platform so that each party can benefit wisely. AI-based analysis is permitted to increase conversion rates and company sales. They create value-based businesses for retailers and consumers based on cryptocurrency.

If this is one reason why sales occur in business, then why doesn't it allow many store owners to have abundance so that they can influence and attract more customers. This is where the Smathium concept emerged and now it will benefit the market at large when strong loyalty arrangements like this are made to function. Some very large organizations such as airlines find it difficult to do so and it drops their values, but this platform will build it and redeem what they cannot do. Now the privilege or we can call it a profit now opened for this type of entity and of course with that, they will be able to secure a long-term loyalty system from their clients while avoiding short term to increase sales and keep people locked up up to them.

What is SMATHIUM & how does it work?

  • SMATHIUM is a blockchain based loyalty platform that aims to solve the main challenges facing traditional loyalty programs. A decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty gift programs that are supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system that is united in small on / off-line retailers around the world involving everyday life. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers!
  • Studies show that even if customers like loyalty programs, they don't enjoy them to the fullest. A survey by CodeBroker shows that at least 54% of consumers are frustrated with their loyalty reward program. Reasons for frustration include a lack of differentiation and the fact that the majority only provide limited benefits. Also, implementing a strong loyalty reward program tends to be very expensive to lock most businesses.
  • While incumbents such as department stores and airlines are able to provide high-value membership programs for their customers, small and medium-sized companies cannot. Smathium aims to bridge this gap by building a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. At the heart of this platform is the goal of creating long-term value for customers rather than serving as a short-term promotion.

 Loyalty Program Problems

Closed Structure
  • Customers cannot not use
  • Gifts they receive in other brands

Insufficient prizes
  • The prizes given are insufficient and
  • Don't attract interest from customers.

Lack of Differentiation
  • Gift program without differentiation
  • Make customers go away.
The SMATHIUM platform
Anyone Can Enjoy the Benefits of Membership Like a Department Store
Anyone including the application business and small traders can provide their own unique membership program to customers. Give a different membership program to your loyal customers.

  • Token symbol: SMT
  • Tpe: ERC20
  • Total supply: 10 billion SMT
  • PreICO Price: 1 SMT = 0.003 USD
  • Price in ICO: 0.0060 USD
  • Average price: 0.01 USD
  • ROI: 66.67%
  • Pre-ICO BONUS: 50% discount
  • ICO as IEO: 10% discount
  • Tokens for sale: 4,000,000,000
  • Min. investment: 10 USD
  • Receive: ETH, TrueUSD, USD Coins, Paxos Standard, Dai
  • Distributed in ICO: 40%
Token Distribution





For more information

Official website:
Tracker of the Official Smathium Token:
Official Telegram:
Official Telegram channel:
Official Media:
Official Twitter:
Official Facebook:

Author: Mikdad1018

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