Erecoin - mikdad icoblog



Senin, 11 Maret 2019



Technological advances over the past 30 years can only be described as extraordinary. The destination post in the manufacturing industry is no longer the same. Where the manufacture of tools, assembly lines and heavy industries dominates the previous landscape, new eco-friendly ways of thinking have slowed development. One of these techniques (growing fast over the past 10 years) is 3D printing. Now it is a viable solution in the world of manufacturing. From simple 3D prints in ABS to biomechanics, nothing is a challenge for this method of manufacture.

The first industrial revolution occurred when the system of society changed from agriculture to an industry that uses machinery and steam fuel. The presence of new technology that presents mass production capabilities brings the world to the second industrial revolution. This industry base has been in power since the 19th to 21st century, and it seems that the presence of 3D printing will carry the third industrial revolution by again breaking down the foundations of economics and established production.

With 3D printing companies can quickly and cheaply make models and prototypes of goods to be produced. As for small industries, items can be printed at once with unique items per product. If the factory engine prints one item model massively and simultaneously, 3D printing allows printing multiple models in one print.

3D printing capabilities can be applied to many industries, from the simplest such as eye souvenirs and miniatures to complex ones such as aircraft components. But it seems that the most affected industries are automotive, aerospace, media, and high fashion.

The project, whose idea is ready to realize the conditions of existence described above, is called Erecoin. This project is a symbiosis of two trends and modern technology, which together will create entirely new conditions for additional cooperation and manufacturing operations.
As you understand, the additive system itself participates in this symbiotic duet, and of course, favorite technology from the blockchain. However, it is he who falls the most important role, because the direction of additives will reach an entirely new level of development.

Project Features
Erecoin is to bring together all possible participants from additional directions on an international platform, where all interaction conditions will be controlled through block chain chains and smart contracts. What will it give?

  • first, users will eventually get ownership rights and no longer worry about discovery, creations or other individual objects;
  • second, because of smart contracts and transparent blockchain network systems, end users will be able to calmly resolve all their technical and legal problems in the world of additives;
  • and, third, because of the many functions and services, participants on both sides will not only be able to build relationships with each other, but also to bring ideas developed into finished products effectively and safely. And no matter whether you act as a private individual or some kind of corporate client, all conditions at Erecoin are intended to enrich the economic resources of the additive system. With simple words, Erecoin seeks to make the complicated process simpler, easier to understand, and most importantly accessible, because it will make a unique contribution to the development of the entire additive industry worldwide.

Perhaps the most important advantage of the Erecoin project is that it is the first decentralized solution that emerged in the world to solve all the problems that exist in the additive industry. The developer of this concept is very aware of all the growth and prospects of this direction. The world will never be the same, so you must be able to quickly and on time to offer priority direction for the development of every area of ​​our lives. It's basically ready to make people from Erecoin.

That is why Erecoin appears before us as a global system that opens up new opportunities for every business direction related to the additive industry and allows you to flexibly maneuver in it without fear of traps and fraud. Everything is built on quality, reliability, transparency, and most importantly safety. In everything, from copyright protection to data protection, money transfers, and any transactions that are possible within the framework of this ecosystem.

However, apart from all the positive aspects and the process of growth and development which is quite strong, this direction experiences a large number of difficulties and problems. And one of them is very similar to what is experienced by all of our world music industry, the lack and reliable protection of their copyrights. In addition, it is increasingly possible to meet when, when conducting a business transaction, one of the provisions of the contract is violated and one of the parties loses rights in connection with the additive product.
Therefore, for full and organic development of the additive industry, high-quality and effective tools are needed where the industry will become a stable model in the community and will get all the rights needed for their livelihoods.


Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing, commonly called 3D manufacturing or additive manufacturing, is becoming increasingly important in the industry. Especially in prototype construction, in components with a high level of individualization or components with complicated geometry, this production method is used. But also in the production of final products, the extent to which additive manufacturing is used grows.

In a growing market for additive manufacturing, many different experts must work together in the future to resolve constructive challenges. And the exchange of data from print data between designers, contract manufacturers and users will increase sharply and thus questions about trust and security of transactions - in various countries and across national borders.

By using blockchain technology, the Erecoin platform will simplify and secure the transfer of 3D data related data. Files can be exchanged through secure and protected transactions, using erecoin tokens. Smart Contracts protects all parties involved in the 3D printing process and brings transparency and compensation methods that can be scaled into megatrend market additive manufacturing.

If we talk about this project as a whole, the concept is quite interesting, given the fact that Erecoin is basically the only proposal of its kind. If previously we had met several financial, medical, tourism, advertising and marketing projects, then the field of additive production was considered for the first time. Therefore, I dare to suggest that this advantage will play in the hands of developers, because they really offer a variety of functions and tools used by participants in this industry to solve many of their problems.
Therefore, if you are also interested in this field and you want to study it in more detail, I offer you a complete list of official resources and technical documents from this project. After reviewing this link, you can find a lot of useful information for yourself, which will fully reveal all the prospects and features of Erecoin.

Token Information

Symbol: ERE
TOTAL SUPPLY: 360 000 000 ERE
ERC 20

Use of funds

LAW - 5%

Token distribution



Q1 / 2018 - FOUND
establishment and establishment of a company
Q2 / 2018 - IDEA!
Ideas about platforms for making additional materials, market research, and project definitions.
Q3 / 2018 - HERE WE GO!
ICO preparation + initial initial development
Pivate Sale and the last adjustment before starting.
Q1-Q2 / 2019 - ICO LAUNCHES
Pre & Main ICO
Q2 / 2019-Q1 / 2020 - CREATION
Development of Plattform erecoin for the manufacture of additional materials
test and optimize the platform
Q3 / 2020 - START!
launched the erecoin platform for additive manufacturing


Konstantin Steinmüller - Founder & CEO
Jürgen Kleinfelder - Co Founder & CIO
Frank Jablonski - PR Manager
Maria-Sofie Heitauer - Business Administration and Marketing

Tobias Müller
Artur Holzwert
Georg Schlick, Dr.-Ing.
Ulrich Jahnke, Dipl.-Ing.
Matthias Habdank, M.Sc.

More complete information : 

White Paper:

Author: Gunawan82

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